Sunday, 2 November 2014

Manga Apartments in Japan?!

Recently a company named Slow Curve announced their new creation called "manga apartments", the main focus is to attract foreigners that are visiting Japan, offering them unlimited supply of manga. The apartment will cost less than $5,000 Yen a night (US $46.30), it will be fully furnished with various household appliances and most importantly it will be filled with 2,000 volumes of manga to line the walls of every room.

Slow Curve plans to open more apartments in Akihabara, Ikebukuro, and Nakano. Each location will cater to different audience, Akihabara flats will have the latest cutting edge manga news, Ikebukuro units will have mostly shoujo and josei manga, and Nakano apartments will be an homage to classic manga. The apartments will not accommodate with hotel services as it is trying to keep cost low but guests are expected to receive discounts at local restaurants, cosplay cafes and stores.

Slow Curve plans to find locations for these apartments with the help of Tokyo-based real estate-related company Tomareru. Currently, they hope to have these apartments ready for guests within the next three years.

Remember to start saving your money and book ahead of times if you want one of these manga filled rooms!! 

Source: ANN

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